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Pflanztopf, 2er Set, “BLOOM”, 3 Farben sort. matt

Plant pot, set of 2, "BLOOM", 3 colors ass.


Pflanztopf, 2er Set, “BLOOM” Zink, 3 Farben sort. matt, (hellgelb, pink, hellgrün), mit Holz am Henkel, LBH: 1) 14,5x10x13cm (S), 2) 11×7,5x10cm (XS), VE 24 EP 24

Plant pot, set of 2, “BLOOM”, zinc, 3 colors assorted matt, (light yellow, pink, light green), with wood on handle, LWH: 1) 14,5x10x13cm, 2) 11×7,5x10cm, PU 24 EP 24